How to Change Your Profile Picture on TikTok?

Like most apps, you can change your profile icon whenever you like. But TikTok gives you even more options when it comes to changing your icon — it lets you have a profile picture or a profile video. And if you see a profile picture on someone else's profile that you really like, there's an easy way to download it for yourself. On TikTok, you've got two ways to represent yourself: With your videos, and with your profile picture. Your profile picture shows up on every video you post, as well as on your profile page of course. How to Change Your Profile Picture on TikTok When you change your picture, you can pick a photo that you have saved or take a new one. So if you want to upload a saved picture, make sure you've got it saved beforehand. Open TikTok App and head to your profile by tapping the Profile option in the bottom-right corner . Tap the Edit profile option. Select either Change photo or Change video , depending on what you want. If you...